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Oozemen were humanoid slime creatures that appeared in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. These creatures were created by Ivan Ooze.


Shortly after being freed from his hyperlock chamber by Lord Zedd, Ivan Ooze encountered the Power Rangers for the first time. Unimpressed, he used his magic to generate a cadre of Oozemen to keep the Rangers distracted whilst he went in search of Zordon's Command Center.

The Rangers, while outnumbered by the Oozemen, were far from outmatched as they possessed superior fighting skills. As the creatures continued advancing on them, the teens morphed and Tommy Oliver used his sentient sword Saba to cut a chain holding a heavy crate above the construction site. After the Oozemen were lured into position, Saba cut the chain and the crate fell, crushing the creatures and reducing them to ooze.


Oozemen were humanoid in shape, but made from a magical ooze generated by Ivan. They were purple in colour with hardened plates covering their shoulders, torsos, forearms and lower legs. Their heads sported several fleshy tendrils in place of hair.

Oozemen were fairly resilient, but were ultimately incompetent fighters. The Power Rangers had little difficulty holding them off even before morphing and enough blunt force would cause the creatures to collapse into inert ooze.
